Chicken pox day 1

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  • When is chickenpox contagious nhs
  • Chicken pox stages

  • Chicken pox pictures early stages
  • Chickenpox incubation period
  • Chicken pox precautions for family members
  • Chicken pox nhs
  • Chickenpox incubation period.


    Chickenpox is common and mostly affects children, but you can get it at any age. It usually gets better by itself after 1 to 2 weeks without needing to see a GP.

    Check if it's chickenpox

    An itchy, spotty rash is the main symptom of chickenpox.

    It can be anywhere on the body.

    Chickenpox happens in 3 stages. But new spots can appear while others are becoming blisters or forming a scab.

    Stage 1: small spots appear

    The spots can:

    • be anywhere on the body, including inside the mouth and around the genitals, which can be painful
    • spread or stay in a small area
    • be red, pink, darker or the same colour as surrounding skin, depending on your skin tone
    • be harder to see on brown and black skin
    Here is an image gallery with images and detailed descriptions.

    Select an image tab to get the bigger version of the image and to access the description.


    Hercules Robinson / Alamy Stock Photo

      at what stage is chickenpox contagious
      how many days is chickenpox contagious